Home » Washington Public Library Statistics Data Merged

Washington Public Library Statistics Data Merged

The Washington State Library’s Washington Public Library Statistical Report is published yearly, along with the data behind it.

To aid with peer library comparison, a staff member has combined in a single 4 MB Excel workbook the data from 2002 to 2022, along with summary tables for some of the data, and charts. We share it here for you to customize.

Starting with 2019 the workbook includes ‘ALL’ worksheets that collate data from all years/all libraries for some of the data fields, with conditional formatting to emphasize highs and lows. The image at the top of the page is an example of an ‘ALL’ worksheet.

The chart below is an example of one you can customize with whichever Washington libraries you prefer.

Total Operating Expenditure per Capita, adjusted for inflation
Sample chart from the workbook

Updated Mar. 5, 2024